
Self-portrait, oil on canvas, 40cm x 60cm , 2012

I am a professional artist based in Frankfurt, Germany. I am focused on people and their portraits. I learned classic painting techniques at „Charles Cecil Studio“s in Florence, Italy. From 1995 – 1998 I studied at the renowned Institute for Restoration „Opificio Delle Pietre Dure“, in Florence. After my diploma in restoration in 1998 I was fortunate to be one of 15 graduates to receive an offer to work there (from 1998 to 2001). 

The fascination for painting portraits accompanied me from Italy to Germany. So after a period of orientation I decided to dedicate myself full-time to painting especially portraits. I make my living with portrait-commissions and my online-shop. My studio is in Atelierfrankfurt in Schwedlerstrasse 1-5 in 60594 Frankfurt, Germany. 

What interest me most about the human face is the facial expression of each person. In the past I was occupied with the power of the contemplation from person to person. As a result I painted a few series of portraits, which I called „Blicke“ /„Contemplations“. M purpose was to make feel the observer in eye-contact with the portrayed person. To suggest the impression of a community highlighting at the same time each one’s individuality, I organized the portraits in different series, each painting having the same size. 

Over time this awakened my attention for blind people, because initially there is not much expression to be noticed in their eyes, on the other hand their faces at the same time communicate feelings much more than it is the case with sighted people. 

Since the communication between myself as artist during the painting process it is important for the liveliness of the picture, that all portrayed people have modeled for me in person. I would describe my painting style as naturalistic and expressive. The technique I prefer is oil paint. 

Besides portraits I have lately been focusing on painting Plein – Air landscapes and still-lifes. Landscapes fascinate me. Painting them outside it is a wonderful challenge for me to capture their atmosphere and spirit. To transpose changing seasons and varying moods of a landscape into oil paint has become a new passion for me. Occasionally my father comes along. While I paint, he reads. We are a great team.